Utility Assistance
We provide year-round energy assistance for eligible low-income households in Utah. Through the HEAT program, we can help pay for your monthly power and gas bills. We can also help you make home improvements that reduce energy costs through the Weatherization Assistance program. Priority for these programs is given to elderly, disabled and families with young children.
Program info

HEAT program
If you are struggling to pay your energy bills, you may qualify for the Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) program. Apply for assistance at any time throughout the year. We can help pay your power and gas bills, while funding for the year lasts. Applications for households with disabilities, elderly (age 60+) and young children (under 6) are given priority. If you are in danger of shut-off, contact your local HEAT office for crisis assistance.

Weatherization Assistance program
We help low-income individuals and families reduce energy costs and increase comfort and safety in their homes through the Weatherization Assistance program. Our trusted partners will come into your home and make free energy-efficient improvements like tuning or repairing heating and cooling systems, and adding insulation. Our program offers qualifying families an average of 12% in savings, that’s about $283 a year. To apply for Weatherization Assistance, please contact the local agency that services your county.

Home energy tips
Are you looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency in your home? Check out our series of home energy tip videos to help keep your home’s temperature comfortable all year long and keep your energy costs under control. You can also call 2-1-1 or visit 211utah.org to connect to critical health, housing, utilities and human services information available in your community.
How do you apply for the HEAT Program?

Check your eligibility
You may be eligible for assistance if:
- Your total household income is at or below 150% of the federal poverty level. For example, a family of four making $3,750 or less monthly could qualify
- Your household is responsible to pay for your home energy costs
- Your household has at least one adult (18 years or older or emancipated)
- Your household includes at least one U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen
If you have questions or need assistance, call your local HEAT office.

Make sure to have the necessary documents for your application:
- A copy of your power and heat bills
- Proof of ALL income received by all household members in the month prior to applying
- Proof of any eligible medical expenses, child support and alimony you paid in the month prior to applying
- Proof of disability, if applicable