Disability Services
If you have a physical, intellectual, mental health or sensory disability, we can connect you with meaningful employment opportunities and help increase your independence. This can include hidden disabilities such as ADHD, addiction or autism.
Program info

Vocational rehabilitation
Our vocational rehab team is here to help you overcome barriers towards gainful employment. We can provide you with tools and support to get your education and help you build a pathway to become more successful in your career. We also assist with college, vocational training, disability treatment services, assistive technology, job search assistance, supported employment, teen services and more. To find out if you could benefit from vocational rehabilitation, take our one-minute online assessment and then contact your local Utah State Office of Rehabilitation.

Blind and visually impaired
If you are blind or visually impaired, we work with our community partners to help you achieve your goals, whether through education, employment or living independently. Our training and adjustment services program offers classes in cane travel, braille literacy, computers and adaptive technology, home management, woodshop and fiber arts. There is no cost for eligible students to attend classes. For additional information, please call Jodi Duke at 801-323-4348 or Adam Rushforth at 801-323-4347.

Deaf and hard of hearing
How do you apply for vocational rehab?

Take the online assessment
If you think you may be eligible, contact your local Utah State Office of Rehabilitation. You can also call toll-free 1-866-454-8397. You may be eligible if:
- You have a disability or serious health condition
- Your disability makes it hard for you to get and keep a job or participate in an education program
- You want to work and have time to spend finding a job

Attend a welcome session in person or watch it online and fill out an application.

Make an appointment
Contact your local office to meet with a vocational rehab counselor. Bring your completed application, records or information about your disability, a form of ID and your social security card to your meeting. If you don’t have records of your disability your counselor will arrange for an evaluation. You will receive a decision on your eligibility within 60 days of your appointment.
Our disability services can help you explore career pathways and connect with your community while gaining the necessary skills, education and experience for a successful future.
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