Job Support
We can help you update your resume, improve your interviewing skills and connect with the right job. Search from more than 25,000 jobs online or come into one of our statewide employment centers for one-on-one help from an employment counselor.
How can we help?

Find a job online
Create an account or sign in at and we will provide you with recommended jobs that match your education, interests and experience. With more than 25,000 job postings statewide in a variety of industries, our online job board can connect you to your next opportunity.

Resume help
We can help you target your resume to the job you are applying for. Create an account or sign in at to access our resume builder tool or to register for our online workshops. We have additional tools and worksheets to help you with networking and interviewing as well as a Smart Start guide to help you with every step of your job search.

Meet with an employment counselor
Access job search tools